The question whether a married person can or should a member of the opposite sex has as his / her best friend left to individual discretion and conscience. If you are really in love with you and your spouse want your marriage to work, then you should consider the following points when deciding.
If a relationship with the opposite sex is not kept under control, can develop into a monster ugly and unwanted. One that can take severalForms and comes with many consequences:
A Jealous spouses or unhappy
Many innocent relationship can be a jealous wife or unhappy, especially if they believe you are giving that person more attention than her.
Remember married to a spouse, because she loved you, so watch your moments and want to spend time with them. Therefore, their feelings should come before your feelings friends.
If your spouse disapproves of their relationship with theto them, even if they tried to calm them, they may need to stop and consider.
Ask yourself if this relationship is true for your marriage, friend. If your answer is yes, then maybe you should be married to this person and not your spouse.
The voices are really bad, unjust and should not be tolerated. However, if there is an item that you are having a relationship with this person for your area, then the indication that it mayvery close.
Remember, too, would feel like your spouse if he or she hears these voices. How would you feel if the currency was launched and we had no proof that your spouse is cheating or not?
Remember that everything is permissible but not everything is useful. If you can find out that your marriage because of your relationship with this friend of the opposite sex, you need some blood disorders research.
Based on my observations andgeneral trend for this type of relationship that I would recommend to avoid at all costs. Remember, the needs of your family first.
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